Apracadabra application platform for intelligent and immediate-services based IoT technology

Zaid Ali Al-Marhabi


Apracadabra application platform visions are to connect multi types of
technologies: RFID, sensors, actuators, person’s users etc., the opportunity of
bring out the IoT technology into reality became possible at the present
through the integration of many available technologies, especially in the under
development countries (not high infrastructure). The IoT provides many
important features, which transformed the internet from communicating with
people to the possibility communicating between things “smart devices” to do
queries, surveillance and other smart services.
Due to high cost on attaching a sensors or RFID card in some services or
providers we propose Apracadabra, Smart Services to contribute on
developing societies, would be unable to jump suddenly to the accurate IoT
technology concept.
This paper address Apracadabra application platform to be the right solution
for under development countries to provide same services as IoT in terms of
speed, we can call it the first generation of the IoT. Apracadabra based on
attaching an account number or IP address for each user (server - clients), is
the services provided by this user will be presented to other interests with the
possibility of evaluating those services by the beneficiaries, this platform
gives the user's location and all available ways of communicating.
Apracadabra Smart Services (ASS) name came from aladeen Arabic story
(Shobic Lubic ( )شبيك لبيكor Apracadabra) which means helping others or
clients to get whatever they need immediately, it is a mobile devices
application running on Android system due to android system widespread and
characterized by many features, also we can access Apracadabra through any
web browsers.

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